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发布时间:2023-09-25 13:42:36 浏览: 作者:宇扬广告屏

Title: Research Proposal for Supermarket Advertising Screen Placement


The purpose of this research proposal is to outline a comprehensive plan for conducting a study on the effectiveness of supermarket advertising screen placement. The study aims to investigate the impact of advertising screens on consumer behavior and purchasing decisions. The findings will provide valuable insights for supermarkets to optimize their advertising strategies and enhance customer engagement.


The main objective of this research is to determine the effectiveness of supermarket advertising screens in influencing consumer behavior and purchasing decisions. Specifically, the study aims to:

1. Assess the level of attention and engagement of shoppers towards advertising screens.

2. Evaluate the impact of advertising screens on brand awareness and recall.

3. Analyze the influence of advertising screens on purchase intentions and actual buying behavior.

4. Identify the most effective locations within the supermarket for advertising screen placement.


1. Sampling:

- Randomly select a sample of supermarket shoppers from different demographic backgrounds.

- Ensure a diverse representation of age, gender, income, and shopping habits.

2. Data Collection:

- Conduct a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods.

- Utilize surveys/questionnaires to collect quantitative data on consumer perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors.

- Conduct in-depth interviews or focus groups to gather qualitative insights on the impact of advertising screens.

3. Research Instruments:

- Develop a structured questionnaire to measure consumer perceptions of advertising screens, brand recall, and purchase intentions.

- Design interview or focus group guides to explore the underlying motivations and experiences of shoppers regarding advertising screens.

4. Data Analysis:

- Utilize statistical analysis techniques to analyze quantitative data, such as descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis.

- Apply thematic analysis to identify recurring themes and patterns in qualitative data.

5. Ethical Considerations:

- Obtain informed consent from participants before data collection.

- Ensure confidentiality and anonymity of participants' responses.

- Adhere to ethical guidelines and regulations throughout the research process.

Expected Outcomes:

1. Insights into the level of attention and engagement of shoppers towards advertising screens.

2. Understanding of the impact of advertising screens on brand awareness and recall.

3. Identification of the influence of advertising screens on purchase intentions and actual buying behavior.

4. Recommendations for the most effective locations within the supermarket for advertising screen placement.


This research proposal outlines a comprehensive plan for investigating the effectiveness of supermarket advertising screen placement. By conducting a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods, the study aims to provide valuable insights for supermarkets to optimize their advertising strategies and enhance customer engagement. The findings will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on supermarket advertising and serve as a foundation for future research in this area.

